Cryptic pregnancies, also known as ‘‘ stealth’’ or ‘‘hidden’’ pregnancies, occur when a woman is not aware that she is pregnant until she gives birth. Many women do not recognize the signs of early pregnancy and may continue to live normally without realizing they are expecting until later in the pregnancy. In this article, we’ll look at the causes, symptoms, and potential complications of cryptic pregnancies.

What is a Cryptic Pregnancy?

A cryptic pregnancy is an unexpected pregnancy that is not noticed until a woman has gone past the 20th week of gestation, or even until the time of delivery. It can be hard to differentiate between a cryptic pregnancy and other forms of unexpected pregnancies, like those due to birth control failure or unforeseen circumstances, but what defines a cryptic pregnancy is that it’s entirely unexpected and there are few, if any, recognizable signs until much later in the pregnancy.

What Causes a Cryptic Pregnancy?

Cryptic pregnancies often go unnoticed due to a combination of factors. Most notably, symptoms in the early stages may not be present or intense enough to be recognized as abnormal. Other potential causes include irregular menstrual cycles, hormonally related issues such as disordered ovulation or thyroid disorders, or low levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) – a hormone that is produced in the early stages of pregnancy and detected by most pregnancy tests. It is also possible for women to have an overactive placenta that produces too much of the hormone relaxing which can make them feel like their symptoms are simply related to hormonal fluctuations.

Symptoms of a Cryptic Pregnancy

Symptoms of a cryptic pregnancy vary from woman to woman, and can even change as the pregnancy progresses. Common early symptoms of a cryptic pregnancy include missing menstrual periods, fatigue, breast tenderness, morning sickness, frequent urination, and abdominal bloating. As the pregnancy advances, some women might experience weight gain or abdominal enlargement that may be mistaken for regular bloat. A missed period combined with any of these other symptoms should not be discounted – even if they are not typically associated with early pregnancy!

Potential Complications from a Cryptic Pregnancy

Although a cryptic pregnancy can result in a healthy delivery, medical professionals usually recommend seeking immediate care given the potential for complications. Depending on the woman’s individual health, there could be difficulty carrying the baby to full term or an increased risk of certain maternal medical complications. Furthermore, conditions like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes may not be detected until symptoms worsen due to the lack of prenatal visits. To reduce the risk of developing these and other issues, women who have had or suspect they are having a cryptic pregnancy should speak with their doctor and begin receiving regular prenatal care as soon as possible.

How to Get Support During a Cryptic Pregnancy?

Understanding that many people who experience a cryptic pregnancy may not know where to turn for support, there are a few avenues available for receiving medical, emotional, and social care. Women in this situation should look into family planning organizations, mental health professionals, and support groups like Mothers with Hidden Pregnancies to stay informed and connected. In addition, those seeking care can look into local hospitals or women’s health clinics that offer confidential services and appointments tailored to the patient’s needs. Lastly, it is important to have an open dialogue with friends and loved ones about any physical or emotional changes that occur during the course of a cryptic pregnancy.

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