30+ Cute and Unique/ Exclusive Pregnancy Announcement Ideas

You will feel like sunshine flooded your soul and hope bloomed inside you. Sharing this sweet secret with your loved once will be the most wonderful and thrilling moment that you have ever experienced. Now you will definitely be thinking how to do this shocking revealing to your partner, family and friends. So, our duty starts from here.

Here you will find most wonderful and creative ideas for pregnancy announcement. We have over 30 of cute ideas under few categories. They include pregnancy announcements with the;

1. Baby’s father

2. Baby’s grand parents

3. Baby’s siblings

4. Family friends

Pregnancy Announcement with Baby’s father

Absolutely, your partner is the first person who should know the good news before any other knows it. Here some tips to give him your sweet treat in unique way.

01. Just Writing

You can simply write a note about your precious gift in creative way. Here’s some inspiration.

  • Bed tea with a note
    Serve your hubby a bed tea with a cute message such as, ‘‘Baby is on the way!’’, ‘’Good morning new papa!’’. This will definitely make his day.

  • Writing on the mirror
    Sneak in to the wash room while he is out and write ‘‘You + Me =3’’ or ‘‘We love you daddy’’ on the steamy mirror. You can also write it on the mirror of dressing table or on his car windows. This is a really cute way to tell him about your promotion as parents.

  • Put a note in his lunch box
    As he is settling in for lunch, he will find your note in his lunch box and will mistake it as a love note. He will feel romantic and excited to know what is in it. But after reading, he will get goosebumps.

  • Book mark or story book for a book lover
    Is your partner a book addict? So you must create a simple and cute book mark saying ‘‘Bed time stories, coming soon!’’ or you can gift him a children’s story book with a note ‘‘Another book lover is on the board’’.

  • Pregnancy revealing card
    Give him a card with lovely greeting such as ‘‘Congratulations for your new promotion as a papa!’’. Just simply post it by yourself and enjoy his expressions when he taking it from the letter box and reading the card. He will surely scream by pleasure.

  • Write on sand or snow
    You can make a beach announcement by simply going to beach and write something like ‘‘You will be the world’s best father’’, then take a snap and send it to your husband. If there is winter season and snowing outside, you can write it even on the snow.

02. Surprise Him with a Pet

There are so many adorable pregnancy announcement bandanas for dogs. Wrap a bandana with your sweet news around your dog and keep it at the doorstep. If you have a cat, you can write a note that hints about your pregnancy and keep cat with the note at the doorstep. Even baby shoes or cloths can also keep with your pets. When your partner comes from outside you can greet him this way and make him forget the tiredness of the hectic day.

03. Tell Him with a Gift

Sharing the little secret with a beautiful gift will be a memorable moment in your life. You can gift him;

  • A T-shirt that says ‘‘PAPA‘’
  • A magic (heat changing) mug: when hot water poured in to mug it may reveal something like, ’New Daddy’s Coffee Mug’’. This will make his coffee tastier.
  • Photo frame: Put your and your partner’s photos in a photo frame with a blank space for the new member of your family or photo of ultrasound scan of your baby or written due date of your delivery.

04. Voice mail or Phone call

You can simply put a voice mail saying ‘‘we are going to be parents’’ or just call him and talk random things. Make sure play some sounds such as baby crying, lullaby in between your conversation as he could hear it and think about ‘‘what is going on?’’. When he realized the hint, he will definitely run in to you forgetting the whole world.

05. Dinner Date

Arrange a surprise dinner out for him or prepare a special dinner with his favorite dishes in your own place. Prepare a cocktail for him and mocktail for you. This act will be intriguing him. Then share your good news with this sweet treat.

06. Treasure Hunt

Set up a paper treasure hunt for your hubby with clues for him to follow. What he finds as the prize could be anything, such as, your positive pregnancy test, baby shoes, cloths, or photo of ultrasound scan. First, he will be stunned. Then he will go crazy from the happiness.

07. Say it with Cake

Sweet moments should celebrate with sweets. Make a cake with fondant of a baby or pregnant lady. Also, you can include a cake topper saying ‘‘We are expecting’’.

08. Blindfolding and Decorations

Blindfold him and take him to the place where you already decorated with balloons, baby toys, baby photographs and flowers. Then unfold the blindfold and let him see the golden line saying ‘‘We are growing to three’’ on the wall.

09. Take a Snap or video

Tell your partner about your pregnancy Infront of a camera and take a snap or video of his natural expressions when he heard the news. This photo or video will be a lifetime memory to both of you.

Pregnancy Announcement with Baby’s Grandparents

Being a grandparent is one of God’s greatest blessings. There are no words to describe the happiness in holding their baby’s baby. So, they have the right to know about their promotion in special and memorable way.

01. Email or Send a Handwritten Note

Just write beautiful pregnancy quotes such as ‘‘The grandparent has silver in their hair and gold in their heart’’. Then send via email or just post it to your parent’s address. You can even hand deliver the note by yourself, and see their reaction from your own eyes. Also, it can write as baby is writing letter to his or her grandparents mentioning his first day on the earth (Due date).

02. Using cloths

Visit your parent’s home wearing a T shirt saying ‘‘Something magical happens when parents turn in to grandparents’’. This will leave them speechless.

03. With Gifts

Telling about your pregnancy with a gift will be symbolized the real gift that is already inside you. Here few examples for gifts.

  • ‘‘Grandma, Grandpa’’ T shirts
  • Coffee mug with a note ‘‘Grandparents are the best kind of grownups’’
  • Necklace or bracelet with word ‘‘Granny’’
  • Wine bottle with the label ‘‘Cheers for me, because you are grandparents to be’’
  • Easter egg

04. Lottery

Giving them a winning scratch card with the news ‘‘Your grandchild will come on ………..(Due date)’’. After seeing the cute revealing, they will feel what is the meaning of real win.

05. Pregnancy Cravings

Tell your parents or in-laws you are feeling sick and just want to eat pickle, chocolate, fruits, some snacks (Pregnancy craving foods). Allow them to guess what’s wrong with you.

06. Ordering Baby Items to Your Parents Home

Visit your parents and order a pack of diapers and other baby essentials through online. And ask your parents to receive the parcel when the delivery arrives. First, they will be confused and then they will be shocked.

07. Counting Blocks

Surprise them with grandparent countdown blocks. It will also let them track your pregnancy week by week.

08. Surprise with a Sonograph

Your ultrasound photo can be put in a box or even it can be framed. Then wrap it as a gift. When your parents open it, they can see the first photograph of their grandchild.

Pregnancy Announcement with Baby’s Siblings

Telling your child that you are pregnant can be a very sensitive moment as they can feel now you don’t love them. So be honest and age appropriate while you share the news.

01. Give a Gift

Gift your children a t-shirt or replace their mug or plate with word ‘‘Big Sis’’ or ‘‘Big Bro’’. Also you can give them a teddy bear, puppy or any other toy with a note ‘‘Your gaming partner is on the way. Until then play with this’’.

02. Seat at the Table

Reserve a chair in dining table for the new member or you can even keep a feeding chair near the chairs of other children. Tell the children after baby came, they can also help you to feed the baby. Let them feel the unity of a family and talk with them about the new comer while dining.

03. Complete the Puzzle

Giving the puzzle and watch them put it together, is a fun way to share your news with the children. You can feel their curiosity by keep an eye on them. When they complete it, you can see their surprised faces as they read the line ‘‘You are going to be a Big Sister’’ or ‘‘You are going to be a big brother’’ on completed puzzle.

04. Play a Game

Play with your child any game like hide and seek, kick the can and let them win. Then announce the news as the winner’s prize. You can write the good news on a chit and write some hints about the news on other chits. Put all the chits in a bowl. Then tell your children to take a chit one by one and tell the line on the chit. They will understand what you are trying to tell them while playing.

05. Santa’s Christmas Gift

If you are going to reveal the news in Christmas season you can surprised your child with the best Christmas gift. Just put a note in your child’s soaks on the Christmas tree that saying ‘‘You are going to have a side kick soon’’. And don’t forget put some candys in the socks with the note.

06. Chocolate & Cookies

Make cookies in shapes of baby stuff and serve them during tea time. Surely, they will ask you ‘‘why these special shapes of cookies’’. Then you can simply share your secret with them. Even you can give them chocolates with words saying about your pregnancy like ‘‘You will have a little buddy to play’’.

07. Through a Story

Tell a cute story about a baby and the caring siblings as a bed time story. Raise a desire inside them to have a baby sister or baby brother. Then they will ask for a sibling for play with them. So, this is the right time to talk about their frisky gaming partner.

08. Draw a Painting

Draw a painting with your child that illustrates you, your husband, your child and new baby. They will ask who is the fourth one in the painting and you can allow them to guess!

09. Responsibility Journal

Start a responsibility journal for your elder children and explain them about responsibilities they have as a big brother or sister and tell them to write the journal until the baby come. Tell them they can look after baby as a responsible sibling like in their journal. This will make them eager to look after their baby partner.

Pregnancy Announcement with Family Friends

You should announce your pregnancy whenever it feels right to you. Most of the women announce their pregnancy after end of the first trimester due to risk of miscarriages. And even after the first trimester you may choose to share the news with close family friends. Here are some ideas to announce your pregnancy to a crowd.

01. Throw a Party

Arrange a party to gather all your friends to one place. Done the decorations that hints about your tummy baby. Prepare healthy snacks for pregnancy and keep with other foods that guests can see it and guess the hidden meaning behind the snacks. Wear a dress that clearly shows your baby bump. Finally, you can share the news using projector or blasting the balloons.

02. Photoshoot

Pregnancy photoshoot is a best way to share about your promotion as parents. You can even join your other children, your pets and baby’s grandparents for this photoshoot. Then it can be uploaded on social media. When your baby grows up, he can see the pictures when he is in your tummy!

03. Game night

Gather your friends at night and plan games for them like truth or dare, scavenger hunt, scrabble and Pictionary or charades. This is a great and fun way to reveal about your pregnancy without just telling them by your mouth.

04. Movie Poster

This is a fantastic and creative way to say about your pregnancy with family friends. In this poster, some stuff, hinting about pregnancy such as baby stuff, pregnancy craving foods, pregnancy books, your baby’s ultrasound photo and your positive pregnancy test can see around you and your partner. Your elder children can also join this poster. Not only the human but you can even have a pet to posture for a poster. The title will be anything like ‘‘Baby on the way’’, ‘‘First comes love, then comes baby’’. Your due date can be put on the poster as a releasing date of the movie. Put your and your hubby’s names as director and producer. You can even write the line saying ‘‘This is based on a true story’’.

05. Sidewalk-Chalk

Write your news with chalk on the pavement or front wall of your house. This way is helpful to get to know about your pregnancy by neighbors and friends who is often visit you.

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