Ishara Sewwandi

Ishara Sewwandi

Sri Lanka

Ishara is a former lecturer.Currently she is a happy mother and full time writer. She contributes her knowledge as a lecturer and her personal experiences as a mother for the benefit of moms and kids.

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Ishara Sewwandi

Surviving the Storm: Navigating the Terrible Twos

Does this sound familiar? If you are a parent of a young kid, you certainly have some anxiety as your child approaches toddlerhood, particularly the period known as the ‘‘Terrible Twos’’. However, this dreadful terrible twos don’t have to be that bad. You may only need a few strategies...

Ishara Sewwandi

Apgar Scores of New Borns: Why It Is Important?

If you are a first-time mother, you will see the medical staff (Doctors, Nurses, Mid Wives) surround your newborn and perform various tests on your baby. If this is not the first delivery that is not a new experience for you. But this is the first delivery you will be...

Ishara Sewwandi

15 Successful Ways to Increase the Female Fertility

* What is the Meaning of Female Fertility? The ability to conceive a child naturally is known as fertility. Not everybody is naturally fertile. An issue with the reproductive system called infertility makes it impossible to conceive Women who have been trying to conceive for at least a year without success...

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